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Books Published by Australian Tatars


“JOURNEY TO FREEDOM” Brief history and culture of Australian Tatars

After three years of hard work by Aysha Maski and Ziya Maski, a historical book titled “Journey to Freedom” published in Tatar language and printed in Arabic script in Adelaide. English version of the book was published in August 2013.
Both Ziya Maski and Aysha Maski visited all the families whose story appeared in the book and gathered all the information and wrote their stories with a view to pass on to the future generations of Tatars.

This book consists of four parts. Firs part deals with brief history and culture of the Tatar people. Second part tells personal stories of 22 families and their arrival experiences in Australia.

The third part deals with activities of the Tatar – Bashkurt Association and South Australia’s Tatar community’s contribution to Australia’s multiculturalism.

Fourth part tells the story of Aysha Maski’s (author) childhood experiences in Eastern Turkistan (Xinjiang) in China.

Authors wrote the book in a very simple language that everyone can understand. Writing brief and interesting information about Australian Tatars, their experiences and activities backed by colourful photos acquaint readers with both past and present time Tatars.

We believe in time, this book will become an important historical, educational and multicultural resource in Australia.

Aysha Maski hanem belan Ziya Maski afandeneng eshtan sertke 3 yellek waketen birep eshlagan hezmat natijase bolgan“Irkenlekka Safar” isemle tarihi kitap Tatar telenda,Garap harfenda Australianeng Adelaide shaharenda baselep chekte. “Irkenlekka Safar” isimli kitab 2013 elinde Engiliz telendada baselep chekte.

Aysha hanem belan Ziya afande shushe kitapta yazelgan gailalarga ayre – ayre barep anggemalashep alarneng munnan ilek yazelmagan,kilachak buwenlare uchen bik muhim bolgan turmesh hikayalaren yazdelar.

Bul kitap durt uleshtan tura. Berenche ham ikenche uleshenda Tatar halkeneng keskacha tarihe, madaniyate, gurf – gadat yulalaren, Australiada yashawche 21 gailaneng keskacha gumer tarihen ham Tatar tarihendage muhim chorlarneng yelnamasen yazu arkele Tatarlarneng kem ikanen ham alarneng Australiaga nichek kilep ornashkanen anglata.

Ochenche uleshenda Tatar – Bashkurt Jamgiyateneng jamagat uchen eshlagan hezmat tarihen, milly charalaren yazu arkele Tatar madaniyateneng hazerge kunda kop millatle Australianeng madaniyatena baylek koshep, tarakkiyatena ulesh kertep berdamlek belan yashawen anglata.

Dortenche uleshenda isa yazuche uzeneng bala chagenan hatiralaren yazu arkele muhajirlekta yurgan Tatar halkeneng nichek itep gailada dinen, telen ham madaniyaten saklarga tereshkanena missal kursata.

Shushe kitap Tatar halkeneng katlawle ortak yazmeshen, kaydagena yashasada aselen saklap yashaw uchen kursatkan tereshlegen shawlalanderep Tatar tarihenda ham Australiadage turle millatlar tarihenda muhim oren alachakter.

Tatar book 'Journey to Freedom' Tatar book 'Journey to Freedom'



Tatar book 'Procrastination at Manas'A book titled “Procrastination at Manas” written by a member of Australia’s Tatar community, Mrs Suyungul Chanisheff published in Uighur language in Istanbul, Turkey in May 2012.In this book Mrs Suyungul Chanisheff wrote the true history of Tatars settled in the cities of Urumchi and Chochek in Eastern Turkistan (Xinjiang) province in China. She wrote the important legacies left by the prominent Tatars as well as Tatars’ contribution to Eastern Turkistan’s culture.

Her first book titled “Soil soaked in tears” published in Uighur language in Istanbul, Turkey in 2005. This book covered about 50 years of her life history in Eastern Turkistan. By sharing not only her real life experiences, but also the experiences of others, she earned great respect from the Eastern Turkistan diaspora living in different parts of the world. She was awarded with a plaque for her achievement in 2009 in Turkey.

Same book was translated into Turkish and published in Turkey in 2007 and Cyrillic letters in 2009 in Kazakhstan.

She became a member of the Ural-Altai Pen Solidarity Network and a member of the Pen World Association of Writers in 2007.

She participated in Ural-Altai Pen Solidarity Network gatherings in Istanbul, Turkey 2009; in Budapest, Hungary in February 2011; in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia in June 2011; in Simferopol (Crimea) Ukraine in July 2012 and in 78thPen international Congress in Gyeongju, South Korea in September 2012.

2012 – yele, may ayenda , Tatar – Bashkurt jamgiyateneng agzase Suyengul Chanisheff hanemn yazgan “Manas Boyenda Tutken” isemle kitap Turkiyaneng Istanbul shaharenda Uyghur telenda baselep chekte.

Yazuche Suyengul hanem, 266 bitlek shushe kitapta Ketayneng Sharki Turkstan olkaseneng Urumchi ham Chawachak shaharlarenda yashagan Tatarlarneng buren yazelmagan 100 yellek chen tarihen yaza. Kurnakle shahslarneng artenda kalderep kitkan yahshe gamallaren ham Tatar halkeneng Sharki Turkstan madaniyatena kertkan uleshlaren nak gamali eshlar belan kanagatlanarlek itep yazu belan uzeneng yazuchelek ham tarihshunaslek hunaren tagen ber tapker kursatte.

Suyengel hanemneng munnan ilek yazgan “Kuz Yashenda Demlangan Jir” isemle kitabe 2005 – yele Turkiyaneng Istanbul shaharenda Uyghur telenda baselep chekkan ide. Aneng uz bashenan utkan wakigalarenan alep Sharki Turkstanneng 50 yellek chen tarihen yazgan shushe kitap dunyaneng turle jirlarendage Uyghur halkeneng alkeshena ireshep 2009 yele mukapat lawhasen algan ide.

“Kuz Yashenda Demlangan Jir” Turkiyada tarjima itelep 2007 – yele, Turk telenda baselep chekte. 2009 – yele isa Uyghur telenda Kerilik harfenda baselde ham Uyghurcha 2- tapker tagen baselep chekte. Shulay –uk hazer inde shushe kitap “Irken Asia” radioseneng atnalek programenda okep ishettereluda ham ane Donya PEN Centere English telena tarjima ituda.

2007 – yele, Salih Valiyff keze Suyengul Chanishef Buten Dunya PEN centereneng Ural – Altay tellare Uyghur PEN uzageneng kuruchelarenan bolep Dunya PEN centereneng agzaseder.

Suyengul hanem 2009 – yele Istanbul, Turkiyada, 2011 –yele Febralda Budapest , Hungaryda, 2011- yele Iyyulda Ulanbator Mongoliada, 2012 – yele Iyyunda Simferopol ( Kerem) Ukraineda uzderelgan Ural – Altay tellare PEN centereneng kureltaylarena barep katnashte.

Books written by Suyungul Chanisheff



Sofiya Valiyff a member of Tatar-Bashkurt Association likes writing poems.

Mr Fanir Galimov, famous singer and composer in the Republic of Bashkortastan, composed music for four beautiful and meaningful poems she wrote. He personally presented these at the Sabantui in Adelaide in 2009.

Mr Ilgiz Zakirov, a well-known composer in the Republic of Tatarstan composed music for her four poems also.

Here are few samples from these compositions.

Tatar Bashkurt Jamgiyateneng active agzase Sofiya Valiyff shiger yazargada yarata.

Shagiraneng matur ham tiran magenale shigerlarenan durtesena Bashkurtstanneng atakle kompozitore Fanir Galimov afande kui yazep 2009 – yele ber zat uze kilep Australia Sabantuiena bulak itkan ide.

Hazer inde Tatarstanneng tanelgan kompozitore Ilgiz Zakirov afande Sofiya hanemneng tagen durt shigerena muzika yazde.

Alarne bu yelge Sabantuiga “Kazan Yegetlare” jerlap bulak itachak.

Mena shushe wakigalar Tatar – Bashkurt Jamgiyateneng madani tarakiyatena zor ulesh kertte.

Tubanda shul jerlarnen ber nichesen igtibaregezga takdim itabez.



Books written by Sofiya Valiyff

 Poem by Sofiya Valiyff

Poem by Sofiya Valiyff